Monday, September 6, 2010

Dreams do come true.

Last night one of my dreams came true. I got to go to a Paramore concert and man was I blown away. They killed it! I really can't even put the experience into words. The other bands who played were Kadawatha, New Found Glory, and Tegan and Sara. They were all great, but Tegan and Sara.......They were absolutely amazing!( If you haven't heard of them, then go look them up :-] ). Seeing in them in person, my love grew for them and they seriously inspired me. Just watching them do what they love and hear the love and passion in their voices, you could tell how much they care about all of this. And thank you, dad, for making all this possible for me. You are amazing and I love you so very much! I'm blessed to have you as my dad. :-).

Here is a video I took at the concert of Tegan and Sara :-). Thought I would share it with you guys.

So, I'd just like to say that dreams do come true :-).


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

You may or may not have read my tweet yesterday. The one about choosing to be happy, not sad.

Sure, I have some things to be sad about, but the truth? I don't want to feel sad about those things. I don't like the felling. So, instead I'm going to think about all the reasons I have to be happy. And I realized, there are a lot.

Today, I went though some old DM's and Tweets from people on twitter. What I want to say, I can't put into words. You all have made me one of the most blessed people in the whole world. You don't know how much your little compliments that I get now and again mean to me. I don't know what I did to deserve to know you all, but I'm really glad It happened.

Some may say, 'There just people online who you will most likely never meet.'. Well, they are more then that to me. They are friends. Family :). I don't want to sound like some whose life revolves around the internet because mine doesn't, but without meeting all of you wonderful people, I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Every now and again I'll get a tweet and/or DM with a sweet compliment or someone just taking the time to tell me they love me & I make them smile. Those tweets honestly make my days. Knowing that people halfway across the world, or a state over care about me, puts a smile on my face.

So, to all you beautiful, wonderful, absolutely amazing people out there, I love you guys :).

Thanks for making my life a little bit better each day.

With Love,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Live your life.

o you ever think 'What am I going to do with my life?' or 'What do I want to do when i grow up?' ? Some people might look for something that will earn them a lot of money or give them enough free time to hang with friends. Why not do something you love? Isn't life about doing what you find enjoyment in and living life to the highest degree? Then why do so many of us live life for the wrong reasons?

We only get to live once, yet some people don't actually live their lives. They just simply go about.

So, maybe that didn't make sense, maybe it did. What Im trying to say is there are people who make the most of their lives and there are people who just do what they have to do to get by in life.

Why? Why would you want to just try and get by through life and not live?

I want to make the most of my life! I want to live my dreams, experience the unimaginable, do what makes me happy. If Im going to live once, I might as well make the most out of it right?

I'm a shy person, who lets what people say or think affect her some of the time. I think that's what holds me back a lot of the time. I let what others say get to me so much, that I don't always do what I want to do or what makes me happy.

I'm thinking on changing that, soon. And you should do that to if you're the same way!

You have dreams or goals right? You think about something all the time. Wondering what it would be like to actually get to experience it. Have it.

The thing is, you can have it! You can experience it! You just need to make an effort for it to happen. Believe that you can do what it takes to achieve you're happiness.

In the end, It doesn't matter what people think of you. What matters is what you think of yourself and are you happy with how you lived you're life.

Next time you really want to do something, but you're afraid of others will think, swipe those thoughts aside and just go for it! There is nothing greater then that feeling you get when you do something that makes you happy beyond words.

Only you can deny yourself happiness. So what are you waiting for? Go live you're life!

Two quotes: "If you're going to be alive and on this planet, you have to, like, suck the marrow out of every day and get the most out of it." -Drew

"I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness." - The Dalai Lama.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Insecurity is not permanent.

I wrote this story and submitted it on a site. It's a teen virtual website( and there is a Times(paper) for the site where you can submit a story about anything. Daily life, poems, stories, etc. So I decided to submit mine, its about being insecure and what the true meaning of beauty is. People mailed me back saying I inspired then and made them realize they are beautiful and what beauty really is. I cried. Im not ashamed to admit that. Im cried because that was my purpose! To inspire. And I actually accomplished that. It just made me feel so.....good. So I decided to share the story with you guys. Tell me what you think?

"Im not beautiful."
"You're really not that pretty."
"Am I worthy of anything?"

Sometimes this is what I tell myself. Why? Because sometimes when I look at myself in the mirror I feel ashamed, embarrassed, repulsed, and ugly. So, I guess you can say I'm insecure, but isn't everyone? It doesn't seem that way all the time. At times it feels as if I'm the only one who feels ashamed.

So, I wear make-up hoping that it will help me see myself as pretty, gorgeous, and beautiful. It doesn't always work.

Now, it's not just my face that makes me feel insecure. It's my body too. I think that's my main reason for feeling insecure. That's the reason I'm repulsed at times.

I'm not stick skinny by any means, but I'm not overweight either. I guess that means I'm . . . average? I look at myself in the mirror and say, "Yeah, it would be good for me to lose a couple extra pounds. Then I'll be perfect."

Ah. There's that word: Perfect. Well, I don't use that word anymore because now I know, NOTHING and NO ONE is perfect. No matter what you think. Sure, things can be perfectly imperfect, but not perfect.

I have met some amazing people in the past year. Yes, year. They have helped me boost my confidence level up a tiny bit. They have made me learn what true beauty is. Do you know what true beauty is?

It's where you're comfortable with who you are and don't let what others say change your view of yourself. It's when you know nothing is perfect, that you just need to be enough for yourself and know that no matter what, you are beautiful. All your imperfections are what make you perfectly imperfect.

The media makes you think that being skinny, tan, flawless, and tall is what makes you beautiful and that it is the ONLY beautiful.

It's not.

I am slowly, but surely becoming happy with myself. I am noticing that I am beautiful, that I do have a beautiful shape and face. I'm beautiful all over.

And so are you. YOU have beauty like no one else does. YOU have a smile that no one else can smile. YOU have a voice that no one else can speak. And YOU have a life that no one else can live except yourself.

So, next time you look in the mirror tell yourself, "I am beautiful and that is not a lie."

What I'm trying to say is, insecurity doesn't last. It's not permanent. Sure every now and again you will feel insecure, but that's human. Just don't feel that way all the time. You will miss out on so much in life if you let insecurity get to you.

Next time you go to the beach, don't look at your body in the mirror and point out things on your body that are 'ugly'. Just slap on that bathing suit and go.

Embrace your beauty and know there is one thing in the world that everyone is born with: Beauty.

Don't you know your beautiful? "

And there it is.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I think I now know my purpose.

I think I now know what my purpose in life is. To bring books to life. So acting as most will say. I, Audrey, love to read and get lost inside a book. I like imagining myself as the main character, as im sure many of us do. You may say, ' Yeah thats normal, many of us like to get lost in a book too.'. So its normal but I just now realized thats EXACTLY what I want to do :). I just read some books,( Stargirl, Love stargirl, WILLOW, If I stay) and after I finished everyone I found myself wanting it to be made into a movie. I would love to see those books come to life, show up on the big screen. They pulled me in and let me get lost in their pages. And most of the time I feel myself wanting to be that character, wanting to live like that character for a short period of time. The idea thrills me! So, I will leave you guys with my jumbled thoughts and a question. What do you think your purpose is? What thrills you? It can be anything! Big or small, there is something that thrills you and makes your realize want you want to do with your life. :)


Monday, June 21, 2010

Perhaps this is a new beginning.

There are people in your life who make it worth living. There are people in your life who you look at and say ' Im so blessed to have them in my life'. There are people in your life who can just, no matter what, make you smile. People who listen to you, care for you, and love you. Sure there are some people who dislike you, but those people are not really important. I have these moments when I'll look at my life and say how blessed and happy I am. I tweet about, I think about it, I talk about it. These moments happen a lot. Some of you may think, or say, 'Yeah, you said that last week' Or ' Yeah, you felt that last week, and tweeted/blogged about it.' My eyes are not always fully opened and once I fully open my eyes, I realize again how happy and blessed I am. Do you ever have a time where you feeling so much and you know what it is in your head, but when you want to say it out loud you can't? Thats how I feel at the moment. :) And I love that feeling. I made a new friend yesterday, well I call her a friend, and that makes me happy. :) This blog again may or may not make sense. Its just my thoughts that I can't always put into words. As the title says, Perhaps this is a new beginning to the life I want to be living. So my question for you guys is: What makes you happy? :)


Friday, May 28, 2010

I am proud.

So, last thursday I participated in a recital at the place I take vocal lessons. As some of you know I want to be a singer/ actress. Going up and singing in front of 30- 40 people gave me a boost of confidence. I just feel like I actually accomplished something :). I have never really gone up and sang in front of a group of people and for the first time I did and it felt awesome. I was nervous at first but then I just went with it. So I guess what I am trying to say is that I am proud of myself that I took this step and didnt think negatively about myself. I didnt think, 'Oh well they are all going to think I suck' or ' Who am I kidding Im not even that good'. I thought ' Well ya know what? I can do this. I may not be the best but I am happy with my singing voice'. If you want to make your dreams come true then you must take a step in that direction or else you will simply just sit there. Never reaching your goal. What do YOU want to be or what do YOU want to accomplish in life? What makes you proud of yourself? :) Thank you guys for all being so awesome! HUGZ

With Love,